Event Policy
We are really glad you have decided to share your simcha with us. Because we are a volunteer led minyan, this list of guidelines will help make sure that everything goes smoothly. Let us know if you have questions or would like to hold an event.
To hold a simcha such as an aufruf, brit milah, or baby naming with Altshul, the following policy applies:
If your simcha is on a day that Altshul is not meeting, you are welcome to contact CBE independently and arrange to hold your event there; you will be responsible for organizing the event, renting space from CBE (and paying any necessary fees), and finding leyners and daveners if necessary. Altshul is happy to advertise your simcha as a community event if you wish; if your event is in the CBE building, we can also arrange for you to use Altshul’s siddurs. Additionally, we can provide some logistical support (like our cheat sheet spreadsheet) for running services. If you want Altshul’s assistance on logistics or publicity, it is your responsibility to inform the leadership team at least one month in advance.
If Altshul is meeting on the day of your simcha, the service has to follow standard Altshul davening. Any celebration (e.g. lunch) that takes place at CBE on the day of the simcha must be open to the entire Altshul community.
If Altshul is meeting and you are expecting a lot of guests, Altshul will attempt to get an appropriate venue on your behalf, but will require notice as far in advance as possible.
If you are organizing a simcha and have never been to Altshul before, you should come and try it first.
If you are organizing a simcha and would like a role in the service for yourself or any of your guests (e.g. leading services, chanting torah or haftarah, having an aliyah, giving a dvar torah or sponsoring kiddush), you should contact the leadership team as far in advance as possible. Altshul has many volunteers who participate in services and needs to ensure that those roles are available.
Any simcha-related speeches must either be in the form of divrei torah during the service (subject to availability), or delivered after services at a Kiddush or lunch. Divrei torah should be related to the weekly Torah portion if they are delivered during the service. Simcha-related speeches may not be given at any other time in the service.
For information about B'nai Mitzvah at Altshul please visit the B’Mitzvah Page, or email leadership@altshul.org.
Please note, Altshul is only able to host B’nai Mitzvah for children whose families are part of Altshul.