Altshul runs entirely on volunteer power. From setting up and leading services, to sponsoring kiddush, organizing Kindershul, or hosting a social event, the community thrives because people pitch in to make it happen.
There are lots of ways to get involved and make a difference! Read below to find a volunteer opportunity that fits you and be in touch to learn more or join the team or just shoot us a note.
Meaningful services are the core of what Altshul does, and we would love for you to be involved in making them even better! Are you interested in davening (leading prayer on Saturday morning or a holiday), leyning (reading Torah), reading Megillah, giving a d’var Torah (sermon), or acting as a gabbai (service leader)? Or would you potentially be interested, but would like some training or a refresher course? Contact gabbai@altshul.org.
Set-Up/Greeting Team
The members of this team set-up and greet at services a few times a year. It is a great way to get to know the community and make sure that there is a friendly face and a welcoming “Shabbat shalom” for all who join us, whether old-timer or first-timer. We could not run without this team of people. Please join us by emailing volunteer@altshul.org.
Kiddush Sponsorship
Have a simcha (happy occasion) or birthday coming up, or just in the mood to bake? Sponsor a kiddush on Saturday morning. Contact kiddush@altshul.org.
Kid’s Programming
Would you like to learn more about Altshul’s children’s programming, or sponsor a snack for kids’ services on Saturday morning? Contact kids@altshul.org. You may also want to join the Altshul parents email list.
Holiday Planning
Do you want to help coordinate or plan a holiday – like organizing a break-fast for Yom Kippur, or organizing learning on Shavuot? Contact us at logistics@altshul.org.
Life Cycle
Altshul organizes meals and minyanim (services) for those in need (new baby, shiva, illness, etc.) Sign up to prepare occasional meals for members of the community. Contact lifecycle@altshul.org.
Altshul would like to include all families and individuals who want to be a part of our community. If you or anyone in your family has a challenge or special need, we would like to work with you to try to find an accommodation. Find more information here; to join the committee on inclusion or ask questions please contact inclusion@altshul.org.
Got Another Idea?
We want to hear from you about other ways to strengthen the community, or other volunteer ideas you might have! Email info@altshul.org.