Volunteering at Altshul

All members of Altshul are required to volunteer their time to Altshul each year, in addition to making an annual financial contribution. As a lay-led community, this work is what keeps us going. Read on to learn about the many ways to volunteer at Altshul. They are all VERY MUCH needed and appreciated! 

Shabbat Morning: Setting up and Greeting

Shabbat day volunteers make sure our siddurim are set up for services and offer a friendly face and a welcoming “Shabbat shalom” to everyone as they arrive.

Please email leadership@altshul.org to volunteer.

Ritual Roles

Meaningful and spirited services are the core of what Altshul does, and we would love for you to be involved in making them even better! Are you interested in Davening (leading prayer on Saturday morning or a holiday), Leyning (reading Torah), reading Haftarah or Megillah, giving a D’var Torah (sermon), or acting as a Gabbai (service organizer/director)? You can find more information about davening at Altshul and our guidelines here.

Or would you potentially be interested, but would like some training, a refresher course, or to check if your current proficiency/fluency is at the expected level?

Please email altshul.gabbai@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer.

Community Building

Join a new team charged with helping to make Altshul more welcoming and building community. Help plan social events, shabbat meal matching, learning events (beit midrash, lunch&learn), tikkun olam projects, coordinate volunteer roles, and other initiatives to help Altshulers build connections. Please click here to get involved.

Kiddush Sponsorship

Celebrate a milestone or honor an important date by sponsoring Kiddush. Sponsoring kiddush at Altshul means buying or making food and buying grape juice, getting everything to CBE (either coordinating delivery before Shabbat, or bringing it yourself), setting up the food, drink, and plates (Altshul has disposable plates, cups, etc. that you will use), and helping to clean up and take home leftovers afterward.

Please click here for information about how to sponsor kiddush at Altshul, and contact kiddush@altshul.org with any questions or to find out available Kiddush dates.

Kids and Youth

Help us improve our offerings for kids of all ages! We could use assistance creating programs for grade school kids, tweens and teens, including coordinating a Junior minyan for pre-b’mitzvah kids who have aged out of Kindershul.

Please email leadership@altshul.org to volunteer.

Admin and Communications

Help us communicate better with the community - this can include helping with our Mailchimp newsletter, reviving our social media feeds, creating a WhatsApp, or any other helpful and creative ideas you may have. Please email leadership@altshul.org to volunteer.

Got Another Idea?

We want to hear from you about other ways to strengthen the community, or other volunteer ideas you might have! Please email leadership@altshul.org and let us know what you’re thinking.