About Altshul

Altshul is an independent, volunteer-run, egalitarian minyan guided by halacha and following traditional liturgy. We are dedicated to vibrant, spirited prayer, community participation and leadership, learning, and gathering. Altshul strives to be welcoming to all, and to provide a meaningful davening experience for all who wish to attend, regardless of religious background, familiarity with davening, or newness to the community. We welcome members from all generations and from diverse backgrounds, and we value the contributions of all community members.


Dan Walker
Rachel Dobkin
Danny Ackerman


Rachel Geballe, Hillel Gruenberg, Sharon Jacker, Eytan Kurshan, Rachel Pomerantz, Dan Walker


Fred Blau, Barak Epstein, Simon Feil, David Firestone, Rachel Geballe, Alex Goldenberg, Hillel Gruenberg, Josh Henkin, Margot Hughes-Robinson, Sharon Jacker, Tamar Kornblum, Eytan Kurshan, Elissa Lerner, Ava Liberman, Talia Milgrom-Elcott, Rebecca Park, Rachel Pomerantz, Ronen Schatsky, Dan Walker


In June 2005, Twenty Brooklynites got together in a local bar to discuss initial plans for a spirited egalitarian community-run minyan. Since its first Shabbat meeting in September of 2005, with the dedication of many individuals, Altshul has grown into a flourishing, inclusive community in which to pray, learn, and socialize.

Today we meet within the Temple House at CBE (Congregation Beth Elohim) at the corner of 8th Avenue and Garfield Place in Park Slope, Brooklyn. We are a multi-generational and diverse shul that welcomes community engagement and members of all backgrounds.

We invite you to spend a Shabbat morning or holiday with us!