B’nai Mitzvah at Altshul
Mazal Tov! We are looking forward to celebrating with your family and are here to help you navigate this exciting time.
This page contains answers to common questions about B’nai Mitzvah. For full details on policies and procedures regarding B’nai Mitzvah at Altshul, please see the B’nai Mitzvah Handbook.
** Please note, as a volunteer-run minyan, we only have the ability to host B’Mitzvah for families that are regular Altshul attendees and committed members of the Altshul community. **
What is a B’Mitzvah like at Altshul?
In general, Altshul B’Mitzvahs take place on Shabbat during shacharit/musaf. Beyond that, the child and their family will decide what ritual roles the child may want to take on. We want to support our young members in marking their Jewish coming of age in a way that is meaningful to them. In general, we expect that the B’Mitzvah child will be called to have an Aliyah at the Torah as part of the B’Mitzvah.
Can Altshul tutor my child to prepare for their B’Mitzvah?
As our members know, Altshul doesn’t have a Hebrew/Religious school. We do, however, have a list of trusted resources for B’nai Mitzvah preparation support. We are currently updating the list. Please reach out to leadership@altshul.org for a copy of the current list when you’re ready to find a tutor.
Can I invite friends and family who are not Altshul members?
Yes! We would love to welcome your family and friends to celebrate this exciting milestone.
However, please note that there are space constraints. There is an attendance limit of 125 non-Altshul guests, including children, for on-week B’Mitzvahs taking place in the chapel. If you choose to reserve the Ballroom through CBE and hold davening there, the limit is 175 non-Altshul guests.
Can we host Kiddush or lunch after davening to celebrate?
Absolutely! Bear in mind that for a B’Mitzvah Kiddush following davening, the entire Altshul community must be invited. Kiddush celebrations must follow Altshul’s kashrut policy . In addition, amplified music, microphones, or other electronics cannot be used during the kiddush.
Note also that Altshul’s kiddush space may vary on any given week. If you want to ensure the use a specific space. you will need to rent the room from CBE. We can help facilitate that process.
Is there an advantage to joining CBE before our Altshul B’Mitzvah?
You do not have to be a CBE member to have your child’s B’Mitzvah at Altshul, just a member of Altshul. CBE members are able to reserve specific rooms for their simcha slightly farther in advance than Altshul members who are not also CBE members. A number of Altshul families have chosen to also become CBE members to support CBE and gain access to additional benefits of CBE membership. We encourage our members to support the Altshul and CBE communities in whatever ways they can!